Impostrous- The game of distrust.


The sky is full of stars but I can see none.

I cannot feel the rustling of leaves, trickling of water down the sand and gush of wind passing my head. The world has become monotonous for me. I have started questioning myself for each and every stuff I do.

Why do I exist? What is my connection to this broken world? Why do people suffer pain? What’s the need of attachments if we know that in the end it’s gonna rip off our heart, succumbing to death? Why are we such a moron, not to understand this tiny delusion of life?

Why do we cry, if it’s all vain? Why do we crave for love all the time, if we know that in the end it’s gonna break us ? Why do we trust people, even if we know they are all fake ? Why do we experience heartbreaks on betrayals, if it’s inevitable ? Why do we make moments, if it’s gonna hurt us? Why do we create memories to cherish later? Why? Is there truly any need of it? Do these serve any fruitful purpose? The answer is simple! We are selfish creatures, who for the betterment of our spirits devise treacherous methods upon people to obtain maximum outcome as much as possible. Even if, it requires hiding our true identity, we do it no matter what, at the cost of people’s love, trust, feelings and hope. We just do it. Don’t we?

I trusted you too, but you shattered all my dreams and hope ruthlessly without thinking for a second. You made me senseless and completely devoid of emotions, that are considered to be the jewel of every human beings. You made me, what I am today.

You made me the monster.



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